Suggestion Level Upgrade Help

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ArchaKnight, Sep 5, 2015.

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  1. ArchaKnight

    ArchaKnight Forum Greenhorn

    Am a level 43 DK, am half way to 44 ... But having damn hard time to level up ... Can u guys suggest whats the fastest way to level up ... Am farming for xp like ever :( ...

    I can buy xp boosters ... I used a lot of xp boosters in thunder crust but damn all waste :( ...

    I need help terribly ...
  2. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    In one week I easily leveled from 40 to 45. I just did all of the quests and grinder the small bit to each level. No exp scrolls where used. No aminals where harmed in the processed.
  3. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    You can knock out the rest of your 44 on Gorga, you should be able to solo him at this point and if you can't, use blue ess to do so. That half level shouldn't take more that a few hours. From there start quests in TC to enter Stalgard and continue them in Stal. THey will get you about 1/2 way through again unless you take your time and kill exptra stuff along the way. Gleaming Mts should be a good place to Farm XP as well as whichever Atlantis map you like for variety. Basic answer is to kill stuff until your tired, get up, make a sandwich, and kill more stuff.
    ArchaKnight likes this.
  4. ArchaKnight

    ArchaKnight Forum Greenhorn

    I tried killing Goerga with a combo of red and blue essences gave me damn good result ....

    Here is what i have tried ...
    Burned : 100% 1Hr XP Boost x1, 1k RED Ess, 3k BLU Ess and 1 Hour of my time lol :p ....
    Gained : 540k XP :D (Y)


    To be accurate ;) ...

    Each Run will be 20 secs with red essnece, 30 seconds with pink, 40 with blue nd 60 sec with Potent Green :) ...
    Per Run Drops 8.5k-12k XP :) ... you kill fast enuf more xp drops

    Ty all for the support :), Appreciate it :D ....
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 6, 2015
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