Gold lines farming

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ElveElve, Sep 24, 2016.

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  1. ElveElve

    ElveElve Someday Author

    Hey guys, wondering whats your best way to farm golden lines. I personally farm q3 or q1 fatal solo, with or without boss.

    I've noticed a very low drop of gold lines the past month. Previously i could get some decend lines in 1 day of farm q3 fatal, nowadays i dont get any good lines entire week or even month. I've got 0.64 block shield blue from miller mod2 recently, thats about it.

    I made this beauty long time ago, since then i havent got even a single gold % dmg weapon on blue/green item:


    So let me ask you again, what is your favorite, most efficient way to get gold lines for crafting? Cubes? Bosses? Casual farm? Events? any other?

  2. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    I do Q1 Fatal runs with groups. I solo Grimmage Fatal when bored or have a bunch of Materi to spare. Other than that, I do Q3M1 3 mini-boss runs switching to Blue Essence for 2 EA on them then back to greens to mop up.
  3. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Pvp. Use your badges of honor to buy green 2H axes. A number of them will have gold lines, although typically +dam or +crit hit value.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I am using one very old effective way ... whenever I start farming i put my feet in a bigger bowl filled with cold salty water (not seawater).
    During the game play I am touching inside the PSU ... that way I am changing the drop rates ... if needed.

    PS.- it doesn't matter what map ... it is working everywhere.
    gun and MikeyMetro like this.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I do the normal farming of Q1 and Q3 fatal, but I've also had some luck with the badges I've earned from my dailies like Nova talks about above.. Buying green items allows you to spend your points the most efficiently and if you save the 4 slot ones you find while looking for the random one with a gold line, it lets you craft a 4 slot blue item (providing you have at least 2 slots on the green with the gold line, and that is cheap to add if needed).
  6. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    If I look for main ingredients, I go to easy fast kill map which drop plenty of greens(sometimes they drop blue as well).
    They are:
    - Varholm at day & the mine (mini bosses), many small gems too
    - Dunes Of Dissapointment, m1
    - Stellar gold arena map
    - Thunder Crest (mini bosses), always drop green, only to look percentage(%) line ingredients

    Bellow is example of only farming Dunes Of Dissapointment from event started till yesterday, I never get pink with gold lines there, so most of them crafted from greens and blues.
    (Edit: Titan Cuirass, Warlord Cuirass & 1pc HP Warlord Gloves are from PW, Warlord Large Axe is from Varholm at day, the rest are from DoD event)

    Per today, while farming 1200 bone coins

    %IWD & %ID torso are hard though..
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
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