Question about Warlord set

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LudiGrozd, Jul 4, 2017.

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  1. LudiGrozd

    LudiGrozd Advanced

    What to do with these?
    I have spent 8000 Dranken buying spheres to get this far and now it has been removed from game. Are we gonna get compensated in Draken spent or maybe give us some item to convert them to new set?

    One more thing, how do you craft Tier 2 with curent Dragan set?
  2. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    can only get tier 2 of new set by beating Dragan in tier 2 there is no crafting until new cores from test server come out
  3. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @LudiGrozd ,

    We are sorry, but we published an official announcement recently, announcing that it won't be possible to get Old Dragan Set anymore. You can read it here.

    Regarding the 2nd question, as @BigHink explained, it is not possible to combine 4 items of the same tier in workbench. You will have to wait for Augment Cores, that are planned to be live soon. For now, the only way to have those items of a certain tier is by dropping them or buying them in Grima in the specific difficulty mode.

  4. LudiGrozd

    LudiGrozd Advanced

    But I was not playing then. I'm not done with this, am gonna speak to support about it, I want my 8000 draken back, not happy to be screwed over for it.
    You got me angry now
  5. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @LudiGrozd ,

    The game is ongoing even when we make a break. Online game is not static and changes are announced previously. We have nothing to do if you missed a sale.

    Once you are contacting support regarding this matter, I am closing this thread.
    Cheers ;)
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